Orthodontics - How soon should your child get braces?

One of the leading causes for tooth related problems for our patients is a misaligned jaw or bite. Often times, these problems could have been avoided if they were dealt with early in life. Enter pro-active orthodontic treatment. Early intervention often proves to be advantageous in guiding proper jaw growth and bite alignment during a child's formative years. Let’s take a moment to look at why it’s important to have your child seen for orthodontic work when they are young.

Addressing Developing Issues:

Children's jaws and dental structures are continuously developing. Identifying and addressing issues early can prevent potential complications as they grow older. Early orthodontic evaluation, typically recommended around age 7, allows us to assess the alignment of teeth, jaw relationships, and any emerging issues.

Intervention for Bite Correction:

Some children might exhibit signs of malocclusion or improper bite alignment. This could include issues like overbites, underbites, crossbites, or crowded teeth. Early orthodontic treatment can intervene and guide these structures into proper alignment, potentially preventing more extensive treatments later in life.

Guidance for Jaw Growth:

Orthodontic appliances, such as expanders or braces, can help guide the growth of the jaw and create more space for permanent teeth. This proactive approach can minimize the need for tooth extractions or complex procedures in the future.

Behavioral Habits:

Early orthodontic visits also address habits like thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, which, if left unchecked, can affect dental and jaw development.

But how soon should you, as a parent, consider braces for your child? We encourage parents to begin that discussion when doing your children’s regular cleanings. As we see them develop and grow, we can recommend if and when your child should consider orthodontic work as part of their treatment.

Remember, commencing orthodontic work at an early age doesn't just focus on aesthetics; it plays a pivotal role in ensuring proper dental and jaw development. By identifying issues in their infancy and providing timely intervention, we can steer your children towards healthier and more aligned smiles, reducing the likelihood of extensive treatments in the future. If you have questions about your child’s bite or oral health, please give us a call or email and we’re happy to help :)


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