Veneers - The Art of Transforming Smiles

A radiant smile is often considered a person's most captivating feature. However, not everyone is blessed with naturally flawless teeth… in fact, very few people are. This is where dental advancements, like veneers, come into play. Veneers are thin, custom-made “shells” designed to cover the front surface of your teeth, enhancing their appearance and restoring confidence in your smile. We wanted to write this blog post because we often get questions from our patients about what all is involved in getting veneers and what the timeline of getting them will look like.

Stage 1: Consultation and Treatment Planning

The journey towards a stunning smile with teeth veneers begins with an initial consultation with our team. During this stage, you and Dr . Fisher will discuss your goals, concerns, and expectations and we will examine your oral health, assess the condition of your teeth, and determine whether veneers are the right solution for you.

It's important to communicate openly with us about your desired outcome and any concerns you might have. Dr Fisher will consider factors such as the color, shape, size, and alignment of your teeth to design veneers that will complement your overall facial aesthetics.

Stage 2: Preparation of Teeth

Once you've decided to proceed with veneers, the next step is the preparation of your teeth. In most cases, a small amount of enamel from the front surface of the teeth is gently removed to make space for the veneers. This step is crucial to ensure that the veneers align seamlessly with your natural teeth and don't look bulky.

We will then take digital scans of your prepared teeth, which will be sent to our dental laboratory. These impressions serve as a blueprint for crafting veneers that fit your teeth perfectly.

Stage 3: Temporary Veneers

Once we have prepared your teeth, we need to place temporary veneers on your teeth while the permanent ones are being fabricated. These temporary veneers provide protection to your prepared teeth and give you an idea of how the final result might look. It’s the time to test drive your new veneers so you can tell us what you like and don’t like before we finalize them. In this time, we make any necessary adjustments before the permanent veneers are placed.

Stage 4: Veneer Fabrication

The dental laboratory uses the impressions of your teeth to create custom veneers that match your desired specifications. The material used for veneers can vary but is commonly porcelain or composite resin. Both materials are known for their durability, natural appearance, and ability to resist stains.

Stage 5: Veneer Bonding

Once your custom veneers are ready, it's time for the exciting part – bonding them to your teeth. Dr Fisher will carefully place each veneer on its corresponding tooth to ensure a snug fit and natural alignment. Before permanently bonding them, we will evaluate the fit, color, and shape to make any necessary adjustments.

To ensure a strong bond, a special dental adhesive is applied to the back of each veneer. The veneers are then positioned on your teeth and a curing light is used to harden the adhesive, creating a secure attachment.

Stage 6: Final Adjustments

After the veneers are bonded, Dr Fisher will make final adjustments as needed. This might include shaping the veneers, refining the bite, and ensuring that your smile looks both natural and aesthetically pleasing. Finally, we will also provide instructions on how to care for your new veneers to ensure their longevity. We require all veneer patients to see us annually for a check up to ensure that your investment is being properly cared for. We also strongly recommend that all veneer patients see us for their routine hygiene cleanings as our hygienists have been custom trained to care for our veneers.


If you're considering enhancing your smile, we encourage you to give us a call to schedule a consultation with us. We have 20 plus years experience in cosmetic dentistry and are here to guide you through this transformative journey to achieve the smile you've always dreamed of.


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