What Toothbrush Should I Use?

One of the most common questions we get from our patients is “what type of toothbrush should I be using”? Well, it’s about time that we put our thoughts down so we can share it with the world.

In our opinion, the number one choice for your teeth is going to be an electric toothbrush. There is just no better way to remove food and plaque from your teeth and gum line.

  • Philips Sonicare 9300. There are many different models within the Sonicare product line, and they all do a wonderful job. However, this is our go to toothbrush for everyone in our office and it’s what we recommend to all of our patients. Remember, when using the Sonicare (or any electric toothbrush for that matter), let the toothbrush do the brushing for you. Don’t press hard or aggressively brush the toothbrush back and forth. Give it gentle pressure along your teeth and gum line and let it slowly work each quadrant of your mouth. Let it do the work for you.

  • Sonicare for Kids. If you have a little one, it’s not too early to start them on the right track with good brushing habits. This toothbrush is incredibly affordable for what it does and the interactive app that pairs with the toothbrush has really been a hit with our young patients.

If you don’t want to spend the money for an electric toothbrush or you just prefer a standard/ manual toothbrush, here are some things to keep in mind.

  1. Always choose a soft-bristled brush. The American Dental Association recommends only soft brsitled brushes , to prevent damage to tooth enamel and gums. Save the hard bristles for your shower or bathroom.

  2. Do you have senstive gums? If so, you may need to select a specific toothbrush to meet your needs.

  3. Do you have other needs that you are wanting to address with your brushing?

That said, here are a couple options we recommend:

  • Oral-B Cross Action All in One. This seemingly simple brush utilizes rounded bristles that are angled to offer an optimal clean. These bristles provide a 50% better clean, especially around the gumline.

  • Nimbus Extra Soft Toothbrush. If you have sensitive gums, we recommend going with an extra soft toothbrush to prevent doing any damage. The Nimbus stands out as one of the softest toothbrushes available in the market. The bristles are made of micro-fine material for extra softness on sensitive gums. The brush has alternating short and long bristles for optimal cleaning.

  • Y-Kelin V Shaped Toothbrush. If you have braces or orthodontic work that requires you to get in those harder to reach areas, this is a great option for you. This toothbrush is designed with angles bristles that won’t catch on the braces. The brush has a smaller head for more control while cleaning each tooth and it comes included with a small bristled brush to clean hard-to-reach areas of braces that may have trapped food.

Now that you have your toothbrush, there are a few important things to remember…. even the best brushing habits are not enough to get the job done. We all hate it, but flossing is 100% mandatory if you want to keep your teeth, gums and mouth happy. And, regular hygiene cleanings at your dental home are the only way to be sure you’re keeping on top of things.

Hopefully this article has been of help to you. If you need any additional help with your smile or you’re looking for a new dental home, please give us a call or email. We’d be so happy to help.


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